Trouble with Cauliflower

Jane Sutton (Author)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6
Sadie has made her best friend Mortimer a delicious stew . . . with cauliflower!...(see details)

Sadie has made her best friend Mortimer a delicious stew . . . with cauliflower! Doesnt Sadie know that cauliflower causes extreme badluck? Out of courtesy Mortimer eats the stew, and as he expects, has the worst day ever. But when Sadie tricks him into eating cauliflower again the next day, Mortimer has a day full of good luck (he even wins a free pizza!) and is forced to give up his silly superstitions . . . until he drinks lemonade, of course. Drinking lemonade always causes it to rain!

Jane Sutton has created two truly lovable new characters and Jim Harris brings them to life with his charming illustrations that are full of funny details.

More Information
SKU 1280
ISBN 9780803727076
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Primary Contributor Jane Sutton
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6
Publisher PRH - Penguin Random House