Free Resources
Informed by experts and extensive research, these free resources from First Book's Accelerator™ save you time and offer actionable steps you can take today to support the kids and teens in your community.
Informed by experts and extensive research, these free resources from First Book's Accelerator™ save you time and offer actionable steps you can take today to support the kids and teens in your community.
Featured Free Resource
Featured Free Resource
2024 – 2025 School Year Calendar: Celebrating Diversity
and Inclusion in STEM
This year's STEM-themed school calendar celebrates the scientists and inventors whose contributions have changed our world for the better. Themed months, religious observances, and dates with cultural or historical significance are also included.
2024 – 2025
School Year Calendar:
Celebrating Diversity and
Inclusion in STEM
This year's STEM-themed school calendar celebrates the scientists and inventors whose contributions have changed our world for the better. Themed months, religious observances, and dates with cultural or historical significance are also included.
Jump directly to a specific resource or topic using the links below:
Toolkits & Guides to Support Your Work
Toolkits & Guides to
Support Your Work
STEM Defines Our Future: Soft Skills and STEM Success
Through engaging videos, lessons, and teaching strategies, this initiative guides you in helping students connect the dots between what they are learning in their traditional STEM classes, soft skills like communication and creativity, and the rewarding STEM careers of the future.
STEM Defines Our Future: Soft Skills and STEM Success
Through engaging videos, lessons, and teaching strategies, this initiative guides you in helping students connect the dots between what they are learning in their traditional STEM classes, soft skills like communication and creativity, and the rewarding STEM careers of the future.
2024 – 2025 School Year Calendar: Celebrating Diversity
and Inclusion in STEM
This year's STEM-themed school calendar celebrates the scientists and inventors whose contributions have changed our world for the better. Themed months, religious observances, and dates with cultural or historical significance are also included.
2024 – 2025
School Year Calendar:
Celebrating Diversity and
Inclusion in STEM
This year's STEM-themed school calendar celebrates the scientists and inventors whose contributions have changed our world for the better. Themed months, religious observances, and dates with cultural or historical significance are also included.
Supporting Grieving Students
Together, the New York Life Foundation and First Book are working to empower and equip those working with bereaved children and families by providing necessary resources and meaningful stories.
Supporting Grieving Students
Together, the New York Life Foundation and First Book are working to empower and equip those working with bereaved children and families by providing necessary resources and meaningful stories.
Taking Care: An Educator Guide to Healthy Habits for
Student Emotional Wellness
Developed in response to First Book educators' concerns about the mental health challenges faced by students, this guide contains best practices and activities to optimize mental fitness and emotional resilience and decrease stress and anxiety.
Taking Care: An Educator
Guide to Healthy Habits for
Student Emotional Wellness
Developed in response to First Book educators' concerns about the mental health challenges faced by students, this guide contains best practices and activities to optimize mental fitness and emotional resilience and decrease stress and anxiety.
Getting Started Guide: Teaching about the Holocaust
This guide features free, high-quality resources and lessons from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum designed to support educators in teaching about the Holocaust with historical accuracy to students in grades 7-12.
Getting Started Guide:
Teaching about the Holocaust
This guide features free, high-quality resources and lessons from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum designed to support educators in teaching about the Holocaust with historical accuracy to students in grades 7-12.
Time for Change: Dream. Act. Change Our World.
Changemaking is the idea that, in collaboration with others, every person can apply creative solutions to address problems in their communities. Help foster Changemaking with the Time for Change program.
Time for Change:
Dream. Act. Change Our World.
Changemaking is the idea that, in collaboration with others, every person can apply creative solutions to address problems in their communities. Help foster Changemaking with the Time for Change program.
Climate Change in the United States
Explore information about how changing weather patterns and increasing temperatures affect specific communities and industries throughout the country as well as activities for students and links to additional climate change lessons and resources.
Climate Change in the United States
Explore information about how changing weather patterns and increasing temperatures affect specific communities and industries throughout the country as well as activities for students and links to additional climate change lessons and resources.
Expanding Climate Change Education
This guide will help you incorporate climate change education into
a variety of educational subjects and settings with lessons, standards alignment, and more.
Expanding Climate Change Education
This guide will help you incorporate climate change education into a variety of educational subjects and settings with lessons, standards alignment, and more.
A Future Without Waste
This resource includes facts and statistics about waste and reuse in the U.S., additional student activities, helpful definitions, take-home guide for caregivers, and much more!
A Future Without Waste
This resource includes facts and statistics about waste and reuse in the U.S., additional student activities, helpful definitions, take-home guide for caregivers, and much more!
Human Impact: Saving Today’s Dinosaurs
Learn the many ways human behavior has changed the Earth, including its species and ecosystems. Includes an overview plus activities that encourage students to consider the complexity of human activity and practice proposing and evaluating options for reducing harm.
Human Impact:
Saving Today’s Dinosaurs
Learn the many ways human behavior has changed the Earth, including its species and ecosystems. Includes an overview plus activities that encourage students to consider the complexity of human activity and practice proposing and evaluating options for reducing harm.
Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist: An Assessment
Tool for Equity
Developed in partnership with literacy researcher Susan Neuman, this resource highlights the elements that make up a literacy rich classroom environment. Assess your classroom library and advocate for the resources you need to create an equitable environment.
Literacy Rich Classroom Library
Checklist: An Assessment
Tool for Equity
Developed in partnership with literacy researcher Susan Neuman, this resource highlights the elements that make up a literacy rich classroom environment. Assess your classroom library and advocate for the resources you need to create an equitable environment.
Reading Universe
Looking for free resources to supplement your reading instruction? Explore the video-rich Reading Universe website for evidence-based strategies and practical guidance to help you in your classroom!
Reading Universe
Looking for free resources to supplement your reading instruction? Explore the video-rich Reading Universe website for evidence-based strategies and practical guidance to help you in your classroom!
Quick Start Guide: Using the Literacy Tools in
Microsoft 365 Education
To help students become confident readers, Microsoft created free literacy tools for classroom and home use. Learn how to use a variety of resources to streamline reading assessments and help students build key literacy skills.
Quick Start Guide:
Using the Literacy Tools in
Microsoft 365 Education
To help students become confident readers, Microsoft created free literacy tools for classroom and home use. Learn how to use a variety of resources to streamline reading assessments and help students build key literacy skills.
Colorful Conversations
Help elementary school students learn about the science and social significance of skin tone and the importance of positive racial identity. Resource includes identity charts, self-portrait templates, guidance for mixing paints, facts about skin tone, and more.
Colorful Conversations
Help elementary school students learn about the science and social significance of skin tone and the importance of positive racial identity. Resource includes identity charts, self-portrait templates, guidance for mixing paints, facts about skin tone, and more.
The Empowering Educators Toolbox
Want to talk about race but not sure where to start? Discover resources to support your anti-bias, antiracist work and facilitate conversations with your students—from tips and best practices to get you started to lesson plans and tools to help you dig deeper.
The Empowering Educators Toolbox
Want to talk about race but not sure where to start? Discover resources to support your anti-bias, antiracist work and facilitate conversations with your students—from tips and best practices to get you started to lesson plans and tools to help you dig deeper.
Trauma Toolkit
Learn how childhood trauma affects a student's ability to learn, best practices to support their development, the importance of educator self-care, and more in this expert-informed toolkit.
Trauma Toolkit
Learn how childhood trauma affects a student's ability to learn, best practices to support their development, the importance of educator self-care, and more in this expert-informed toolkit.
Promoting Respect & Empathy: A Toolkit for Educators
of All Grades
Want great ideas on how to promote respect and empathy among your students? First Book members from across the US share their lesson plans, tips, and recommendations in this first-of-its-kind toolkit!
Promoting Respect & Empathy:
A Toolkit for Educators
of All Grades
Want great ideas on how to promote respect and empathy among your students? First Book members from across the US share their lesson plans, tips, and recommendations in this first-of-its-kind toolkit!