Many Cultures, One Community


By celebrating our similarities and differences we have an opportunity to better understand ourselves and how we connect with others. First Book is proud to partner with the NEA Foundation to launch the Many Cultures, One Community book + resource collection to help you teach key concepts related to diversity and inclusion to the children you serve.


Each book in the collection is paired with a reading guide that lifts up important themes related to diversity and inclusion. Created with experts from Cook Ross, a national leader in diversity and inclusion training, these book + resource pairings will give you and your students the opportunity for thoughtful discussion, creative exploration, and lots of fun. Click here to download all of the guides in one document.


The books in this collection were all written and/or illustrated by people of color and published by Lee & Low Books. With generous support from the NEA Foundation, we are excited to make these books available in exclusive paperback special editions. Discover more fantastic diverse titles in our Stories for All Project™ section.


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