Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (Edited Classic)

Howard Pyle (Author)
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12

The adventuresome young man, Robin of Locksley, doesnt have a worry in the world - until one day when a drunken man working for the King shoots an arrow at him. Robins aim is better, to his lasting regret, and he becomes an outlaw subject to capture and hanging. Before long, however, Robin attracts a hearty band of other outcasts to Sherwood Forest. Their only wish is to lead a free, merry existence while doing any kindness they can for the downtrodden. If it means making sport with the authorities, so much the better. Little do they know that their deeds will grow into a timeless story.

Townsend Library classics have been edited to make them more accessible to todays readers. But the books have not been abridged in the sense of shortening them by sacrificing story development, character richness, and the authors voice. In our experience, abridged books result from a simplistic removal of large chunks of material or a formulaic translation that robs a book of its distinctive flavor. By contrast, as we produce a Townsend Library title, we seek to edit the material carefully and respectfully in order to preserve the qualities that have made the book a classic.

TL editors approach every book entirely on its own merits, guided constantly by these questions:

What will get in the way of a readers enjoyment of this wonderful story?

How can the story be made more readable while preserving the integrity of the original book?

More Information
SKU 4334
ISBN 9781591940432
Language English
Product Type Paperback Books
Primary Contributor Howard Pyle
Age Groups Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12
Publisher Townsend Press