Los niños no se comen (We Don't Eat Our Classmates, Spanish Edition)

Ryan T. Higgins (Author & Illustrator)
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6

No te pierdas esta tierna y divertidísima historia ilustrada.

Don't miss out on this charming and hilarious illustrated story.

Penélope empieza el colegio. ¡Por fin va a conocer a sus compañeros! Pero le va a costar hacer amigos humanos si son tan deliciosos...

Penelope starts school. She is finally going to meet her new classmates! But she's going to have a hard time making human friends if they're so delicious...

More Information
SKU 142225
ISBN 9786073835985
Language Spanish
Page Count 48
Product Type Paperback Books
Book Type Picture Books
Primary Contributor Ryan T. Higgins
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6
Publisher Molino