Look & See: Let's Count!

Sterling Publishing (Author)
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Product Type: Board Books
Age Groups: Ages 0 to 3, Ages 4 to 6
"It is not really hard to count up to ten… touch the holes with your fingers, and you'll see that you can!" Lit... (see details)

ONE shiny green frog, grinning with delight, introduces toddlers to the joys of counting. As kids move from page to page, meeting such adorable creatures as four chatty parrots, six fuzzy bunnies, and seven golden chicks, they can physically “pet” the die-cut animals and feel the numbers growing. A ladybug-filled spread at the end encourages children to try their skills: I can’t count them all! Now tell me, can you?

More Information
SKU 377
ISBN 9781402769276
Language English
Product Type Board Books
Primary Contributor Sterling Publishing
Age Groups Ages 0 to 3, Ages 4 to 6
Publisher Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.