It's Snowing!

Oliver Dunrea (Author)
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9

Baby is fast asleep when Mama spies the first flakes of his first snowfall. Its snowing! she sings. Baby, its snowing! Mama bundles Baby in thick, warm furs and scrunches into her coat. Out into the snow they go, to see it, smell it, hear it, taste it, touch it - and play in it. Olivier Dunreas exquisite hymn to snow is the story of a solitary night when a mother introduces her baby to the beauty and pleasure of falling snow.

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SKU 3307
ISBN 9780312602161
Language English
Product Type Paperback Books
Primary Contributor Oliver Dunrea
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
Publisher Macmillan