Horses That Save Lives: True Stories of Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Rescue

Cheryl Dudley (Author)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
There is no denying that the emotional bond between horses and the humans who love them can reach mystical proportions, and nowh... (see details)

There is no denying that the emotional bond between horses and the humans who love them can reach mystical proportions, and nowhere is that relationship more evident than in these twenty-four true-life accounts of horses rescuing people. Many of the stories recount incidents where death or physical injury was imminent and only because a horse intervened are the narrators alive to tell the tale. Other chapters describe that other plane of salvation where contact with a horse through ownership, employment, or a variety of therapeutic programs has restored mental health, peace of mind, and self-esteem.

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SKU 2325
ISBN 9781602397217
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Primary Contributor Cheryl Dudley
Age Groups Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
Publisher Skyhorse Publishing