Great Speeches by Native Americans

Various (Author)
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
Remarkable for their eloquence and depth of feeling, these 82 speeches encompass 5 centuries of Indian encounters with nonindige... (see details)

Remarkable for their eloquence and depth of feeling, these 82 speeches encompass 5 centuries of Indian encounters with nonindigenous peoples. Speakers include Chief Joseph, Sitting Bull, Tecumseh, Seattle, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, and many lesser-known leaders, whose compelling words are graced by forceful metaphors and vivid imagery.

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SKU M4580
ISBN 9780486411224
Language English
Product Type Paperback Books
Primary Contributor Various
Age Groups Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
Publisher Dover Publications