Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Sonia Sander (Author)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 0 to 3, Ages 4 to 6
Whyatt's in trouble with his older brother Jack because he played in Jack's room without permission and made a mess. Now Whyatt ... (see details)

Whyatt's in trouble with his older brother Jack because he played in Jack's room without permission and made a mess. Now Whyatt doesn't know what to do. So the Super Readers fly into the story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" to see what Goldilocks does when she makes a mess in the Three Bears' house! Simple words and rebus pictures make learning to read easy and fun!

More Information
SKU 697
ISBN 9780448452241
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Primary Contributor Sonia Sander
Age Groups Ages 0 to 3, Ages 4 to 6
Publisher PRH - Penguin Random House