Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really Do Make a Difference!

Lynne Truss (Author) Bonnie Timmons ()
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
Young and young-at-heart sticklers, unite! Lynne Truss and illustrator Bonnie Timmons provide hilarious proof that punctuation r... (see details)

Young and young-at-heart sticklers, unite! Lynne Truss and illustrator Bonnie Timmons provide hilarious proof that punctuation really does matter.

Illuminating the comical confusion the lowly comma can cause, this new edition of Eats, Shoots & Leaves uses lively, subversive illustrations to show how misplacing or leaving out a comma can change the meaning of a sentence completely. This picture book is sure to elicit gales of laughter—and better punctuation—from all who read it.

More Information
SKU 1558
ISBN 9780399244919
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Additional Contributor Bonnie Timmons
Primary Contributor Lynne Truss
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
Publisher PRH - Penguin Random House