Cheetahs (Carolrhoda Nature Watch Book)

Dianne M. MacMillan (Author) Gerry Ellis ()
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Product Type: Paperback Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
A lone cheetah sits on a termite mound in the grassy African savanna. Her amber eyes spot a herd of gazelles a mile away. Unawar... (see details)

A lone cheetah sits on a termite mound in the grassy African savanna. Her amber eyes spot a herd of gazelles a mile away. Unaware of her presence, they come closer. As one of the fastest land animals in the world, she sprints in their direction at 70 miles per hour and catches one by the windpipe. Dragging the gazelle to the shade, she can relax and enjoy her kill. But with poachers desiring her spotted coat and the booming human population encroaching on her territory, how calm should this endangered cheetah be?

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SKU 3504
ISBN 9781575052250
Language English
Product Type Paperback Books
Additional Contributor Gerry Ellis
Primary Contributor Dianne M. MacMillan
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group