Change Is in the Air: Carbon, Climate, Earth, and Us

Debbie Levy (Author) Alex Boersma (Illustrator)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9

A picture book about the amazing ways Earth can remove carbon from the air, offering a fresh and hopeful perspective on climate change.

The Earth has a problem: there's too much carbon in the air.

Luckily, the Earth also has amazing powers to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere—like the power of dirt, mangroves, and kelp. Although these powers alone cannot get us out of the climate crisis we’re facing, Earth has one more power that can help: the power of the people! The power to change, protect, and invent, both to reduce emissions and to develop strategies for capturing carbon.

In accessible, engaging, and melodic language, this nonfiction picture book provides an encouraging yet honest picture of the problem of too much carbon in the air, while also conveying the awesomeness of Earth's ways of cleaning things up. Thanks to dirt, kelp, mangroves, and—perhaps most importantly—people, change is in the air!

More Information
SKU 142178
ISBN 9781547612062
Language English
Page Count 40
Product Type Hardcover Books
Book Type Picture Books
Additional Contributor Alex Boersma
Primary Contributor Debbie Levy
Age Groups Ages 4 to 6, Ages 7 to 9
Publisher Bloomsbury Children's Books