
Robin McKinley (Author)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
Mirasol is a beekeeper, a honey-gatherer, with an ability to speak to the "earthlines"— the sentient parts of Wi... (see details)

Mirasol is a beekeeper, a honey-gatherer, with an ability to speak to the "earthlines"— the sentient parts of Willowlands, where she lives. The concerns of Master, Chalice, and Circle, who govern Willowlands, have nothing to do with her — until the current Master and Chalice die in a fire and leave no heirs to take their places. The Master's closest relative has been a priest of Fire for the past seven years; he is not quite human anymore. And then the Circle comes to Marisol and tells her that she is the new Chalice, and it will be up to her to bind the land and its people with a Master, the touch of whose hand can burn human flesh to the bone. . . .

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SKU 2287
ISBN 9780399246760
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Primary Contributor Robin McKinley
Age Groups Ages 13 to 15, Ages 16 to 18
Publisher PRH - Penguin Random House