Boy Who Looked Like Lincoln

Mike Reiss (Author) David Catrow ()
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12
Benjy has an unusual problem. He looks just like Abraham Lincoln-right down to the wart and beard. Needless to say, his life isn... (see details)

Benjy has an unusual problem. He looks just like Abraham Lincoln-right down to the wart and beard. Needless to say, his life isn't easy. He gets gifts of Lincoln Logs and stovepipe hats on every birthday. He gets stuck playing Lincoln in every school play-whether he's part of the story or not. And the teasing is unrelenting. When school ends he plans on spending another summer sitting inside alone, but his parents have a surprise. They're sending him to Camp What-cha-ma-call-it-The Camp for Kids Who Look Like Things! Within scenes reminiscent of Bosch and Brueghel, Benjy learns that he's not unusual-he's unique! And when he realizes what's special about himself, it doesn't take long for others to realize it as well.

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SKU 1663
ISBN 9780843102710
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Additional Contributor David Catrow
Primary Contributor Mike Reiss
Age Groups Ages 7 to 9, Ages 10 to 12
Publisher PRH - Penguin Random House