Tata Reading Celebrations

First Book and Tata group of companies are partnering to elevate the quality of education for all children by distributing new books to children in need. Thanks to Tata's generous support, First Book is excited to offer these titles to you and the children you serve.
Please browse the titles shown below and choose brand new books for the children you serve. If you have not signed in yet with your email and password, please do so now and then reopen this page. Please note that you must select books from only this special section of the Marketplace in order to use your promotion code when you check out. Please select the exact number of titles associated with your promotion code.
For any questions or concerns, please email help@firstbook.org or call 866-READ-NOW (866-732-3669).

First Book and Tata group of companies are partnering to elevate the quality of education for all children by distributing new books to children in need. Thanks to Tata's generous support, First Book is excited to offer these titles to you and the children you serve.
Please browse the titles shown below and choose brand new books for the children you serve. If you have not signed in yet with your email and password, please do so now and then reopen this page. Please note that you must select books from only this special section of the Marketplace in order to use your promotion code when you check out. Please select the exact number of titles associated with your promotion code.
For any questions or concerns, please email help@firstbook.org or call 866-READ-NOW (866-732-3669).