Smart Feller Fart Smeller: And Other Spoonerisms

Jon Agee (Author)
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Product Type: Hardcover Books
Age Groups: Ages 7 to 9

Everybody says spoonerisms. They happen by accident when youre talking or thinking too fast and you flip-flop the initial sounds of words. Like when you mean to say HANDLE WITH CARE, but it comes out CANDLE WITH HAIR. Or when A WELL-OILED BICYCLE comes out A WELL-BOILED ICICLE, or THANKS FOR DOING THE CHORES turns into THANKS FOR CHEWING THE DOORS.

Wordplay master Jon Agee takes some of the more comical examples of these verbal mix-ups and pairs them with his equally hilarious pictures. Its a combination that will tickle your BUNNY PHONE.

Jon Agee has created six popular books of wordplay, among them Go Hang a Salami! Im a Lasagna Hog! and Palindromania! He is the author/illustrator of several celebrated picture books, including Milos Hat Trick (an ALA Notable), The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau (an ALA Notable), and The Return of Freddy Legrand (an SLJ Best Book). He Lives in San Francisco.

More Information
SKU 1782
ISBN 9780786836925
Language English
Product Type Hardcover Books
Primary Contributor Jon Agee
Age Groups Ages 7 to 9
Publisher Scholastic Inc.